Women's Land Rights toolkit

documentation and knowledge transfer - uganda, tanzania, burundi


Regional knowledge transfer project on women's land rights in Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi. Conception, development and production of the toolbox Our Fields, Our Fight: Together for Land Rights  which includes:

  • 6 x training and case study videos on women's land rights in Tanzania and Uganda (English and French subtitles).

  • A 24-page Stories booklet featuring photographs and training activities.

  • A comic-style illustrated campaign poster (English and French).

  • The design and delivery of a video advocacy workshop for women farmers in Burundi (English and French).

  • The production of 10 short video messages from women in Burundi (Kirundi).

videos produced for the toolkit:

Stories and activities booklet

(english and french)

‘Our fields, Our fight’ campaign poster

Project photo gallery: